Czytelnia pracodawcy

Model of Professional Competences
Competence is a resultant of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Competences developed in a proper way allow employees to realize professional tasks on required level.
A competency model is a set of competencies particularly relevant to the functioning of a particular company or organization that has developed and applies it. Competency models of different companies may differ in the selection of key competencies, but the principle of their operation remains the same.
professional competences | competency model | professional development
Qualifications and professional competences
"Są dwa rodzaje wiedzy: kiedy posiadamy wiedzę w jakimś przedmiocie lub wiemy, gdzie znaleźć potrzebne informacje." Cytat Johnsona dobrze obrazuje jedną z podstawowych dychotomii istotną dla współczesnych specjalistów do zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi: qualifications -kompetencje.
qualifications | competences | professional development