Professional profile – virtual CV

Entering data

Some data referring to studies as well as acknowledged diplomas placed in Professional profile tab is downloaded directly from University Study-Oriented System (refers to Universities using USOS system). Remaining data should be completed individually.

Why is it worth to complete the profile?

By completing Professional profile tab you may:

Generate your CV
  • You may generate and download CV in PDF format.

Receive additional offers from Career Advisor
  • Career Advisors may send information about new offers as well as trainings to selected candidates with particular skills (e.g. ability to speak specified language or use computer programme) or entitlements (vocational entitlements, driving license).
  • Precisely completed profiles enable Career Advisors to send notifications about specific offers (e.g. with required specific programming language ) to selected candidates.
  • Even if you are studying philology and you did not mark level of possessed language skills in your profile, you may be omitted in search results initiated by Career Advisor.

The most important data

It is worth to describe and update data included in the profile, especially those mentioned below:

  • level of language skills,
  • level of computer programming skills,
  • vocational entitlements,
  • professional experience,
  • courses and trainings

Professional competences

What are the professional competences?

Competence is a resultant of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Competences developed in a proper way allow employees to realize professional tasks on required level.

Grups of professional competences

Description of competences based on the Model of Professional Competences prepared by the Career Centre of The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Model of Professional Competences consists of six basic groups of competences. There are four key descriptive competences:


How do I make the analyses?

Competences describing mainly the way of thinking - searching and collecting data, analyzing information, drawing conclusions and forwarding them to the surroundings.

  • Creativity
  • Analytical thinking
  • Flexibility
  • Communication skills


Why do I act?

Group of competences referring to indicators which motivate us to act in the first place and to the level of engagement in task realization, determining why and with what intensity a person is willing to work.

  • Development pursuit
  • Engagement
  • Motivating others


How do I cope with difficulties?

Competences specifying one’s ability to work in difficult conditions under widely understood stress (connected with both internal and external indicators, including those referring to social relations).

  • Persistence and consequence
  • Assertiveness
  • Resistance to stress
  • Being responsible


How do I act?

Bank of competences concentrated on the level of usage of particular methods and tools, aiming in increasing work efficiency (planning time, organizing work, coordinating tasks) as well as achieving complicated goals with a support of a team (delegation of duties, management).

  • Planning and coordination
  • Delegation of duties
  • Team management
  • Work organization


How do I realize tasks / goals?

Competences describing the way of tasks realization - orientation on achieving aims and quality of work effects.

  • Aim orientation
  • Scrupulousness and accuracy
  • Self-independence
  • Business orientation


How do I cooperate with others?

Group of competences describing how a particular person cooperates with others, builds and makes use of interpersonal relations during realization of business goals.

  • Team work
  • Building relations
  • Teaching and training
  • Client orientation
Definitions of professional competences


skilful motivating of colleagues to increase their efforts and achieve targets


perceiving of numerous aspects of reality, effective work with a lot of information, perceiving of relationships and drawing reliable conclusions from data available


searching for business opportunities and making decisions connected with risk and oriented on profitability of undertakings on the basis of the current knowledge about the market, competition and calculated risk


acting effectively in hard conditions (heavy workload, conflict, high requirements)


managing one’s own time and organising one’s own work in a planned and systematic manner, which makes it possible to achieve targets


persistent aiming at a company’s targets by realisation of individual targets (title) and achieving best results by planning, constructive approach to problems and searching for opportunities to exceed targets


awareness and understanding of customers’ needs and fulfilling as well as exceeding of their expectations. If necessary, active searching for and acquisition of new customers for a company


clear setting of priorities and tasks for all team members and consistent coordination of the same by dividing complex tasks into stages, determining of needs as well as ensuring of adequate means and support in realisation


establishing and maintaining of long-term and fruitful cooperation with other employees


building of one’s own and company’s reliability by undertaking activities, which comply with one’s own ethic standards and company’s ethic standards as well as accepted standards of work


ability to achieve agreed targets on one’s own, including, making necessary decisions


focusing on best performance of a given activity, taking care of details and high effects of work (products, services etc.)


readiness and ability to convey one’s knowledge to others in an effective manner as well as share one’s experience with others


timely and consistent realisation of tasks entrusted, including difficult and monotonous tasks


activeness and showing one’s initiative, determination to overcome difficulties and readiness to sacrifice, if necessary


creation and management of teams, understanding of their needs and motivating them for most effective activities

Download definitions of professional competences as PDF.

How to specify the level of possessed competences?

Evaluate professional competences on scale 1-3, where:

  • Level 1 (good) – acting in a correct direction however requiring support, stimulus, outside help; lack of independence in acting
  • Level 2 (optimal) – independent usage of knowledge and skills, efficient and effective performance, pursuit and achievement of goals
  • Level 3 (expert) – helping, supporting, inspiring, crossing borders, improving work, creating new methods of performance

The moment you graduate your competences may be specified probably on level 1 or 2. Expert level can usually be achieved after some time of professional activity. It characterizes people who possess a fully developed competence, additionally helping others in improving it.


How to check level of profile completion?
  • Graph on the first webpage section informs about the level of profile completion.

What is the aim of does not refer option?
  • When particular column in the profile cannot be completed (e.g. PhD thesis) you should tick off does not refer field.